Saturday, 26 April 2008


ok...besambung di luxemburg plk ye...luxemburg is a small country...but quite rich la..kaya with banking2 ni....cigger and oil are cheaper here compare to other european countries..coz low tax mmg ade jela yg borong2 rokok kt sini kan....then people tend to isi minyak byk2 bile dtg luxemburg ni...kate tourist guide tu la...
kt sini ade square jgk...a few building in this square....
building in the square

cant recall name....
then the most famous is corniche..beautiful scenery from here....actually luxemburg is also famous with his beatiful landscape....just see the picture...what a beatiful view from corniche..(kind of balcony)

there is casemates below the corniche ...kind of gua bwh tanah la...need to pay 1.80 euro to go in....
in the case mates...

mm cantek2 more,people in lux ni sangaaaaat garang..not friendly at all...very strict...nk msk toilet je kna baya 50cent...ade satu cite ni...mse ats bas,tour guide tu da bg tau da org kt lux ni mmg garang2...makcik toilet pn garang....mse pgi toilet kt situ ak cm biasela...bwk msk botol..nk amik air kt sinki...kt sini kan xde paip dlm toilet..seme kencing xbsh..then nk dipendekkan cerita kena mrh ngn nenek jaga toilet bwk msk tisu pn dia x tu aje cerita dia....
this is where we stay...the cabin in the wood...sejuk gile... ok.... besambung di switzerland......


Nur Amirah Shaharom. said...

banyoknye jalan2... bawak le aku pulak.. huhu,..

Anonymous said...

ntah!!kta pon nak ikot gak...jeles nih..huhU~