Thursday 27 November 2008


hasil shopingan lite2....skg ni kn da start winter mark n spencer bedsheet...single fitted bedshet..GBP6 saje...

then new ZARA legging....GBP8 kot...kaen die bes...90%cotton....since hari2 pkai so bli yg bekualiti ya adik2.....hiks....topshop punye yg plg bes...bak kata nana..since dia beli try mhl sketla....sape2 nk survey,this is the price list

topshop GBP12 plk comfy
ZARA GBP8 bes gk.....updated:jgn bli ini klo nk pkai kt tpt sjuk cm england..kaen dia comfy kaki akn rasa sejuk je..klo kt msia sesuai la kot..pns sejuk sket...yg topshop the best kot...comfy n makes warm jgk..
HnM GBP6 ok jgk...lbh kurg zara tp nipis sket
newlook GBP7 kot..xigt...lupe da kaen die cmne...
primark GBP3 phm2 ajela.....

legging ni bkn tuk pki kt lua...4 me la..pkai kt dlm jeans...sbb sejuk!nk pkai kt lua pn bole...suke ati ko la...tu pon kna tnye ke?hiks.....

pastu round2 kt BHS nk usha mhl la plk...GBP10...pastu tenampk duvet cover offer...da tggal sket2 je lg....still stock yg ak bli dlu...dlu mse mule2 smpi pn ak blu kt BHS jgk....double duvet cover yg ak punye tu after offer GBP20 ni hrga lg trn...
actually kt depan die ade price sticker reduced ke 15...hrga asal kt belakang dia ada sticker reduced 10...ak rsa sticker yg 10 tu mcm yg letak or terlekat dr packaging ak bia jela...mse bya dia print,system dia bca duvet cover tu ak saje je tnye try nasib...ak ckpla..."knape kt blkg tu hrga 10pound?" ofkos la i ckp omputih..hehe....pastu dia pggil manager die...trs tuka hrga 10...mebe sbb customer service kot...ak xmrh ke ape pn..ak tnye ak sgt bahagiala......BHS double duvet cover only GBP 10?pergh....10 thn lepas pn blm tntu dpt hrga ni tau....hehe....10pound tu sbenanya hrga tuk single duvet da rezeki ak....ak redho saje.....hehe.....

saje je nk mengumpul mende ni...suke....nnt kt msia blh kt mesia pggil quilt kot...sng pkai ni...klo pkai comforter susa basoh..klo pkai ni sng. tuka2 sarung dia....bsh on sng...lgpon kt IKEA msia da ade jual duvet die...or quilt..klo sesapa xtau quilt tu cm selimut tebal comforter leh tuka2 sarung....sarung dia la dipanggil duvet cover....klo beli set dia bg 2 pillowcase sekali....

ha ni from wiki
A duvet (pronounced /duːˈveɪ/, from the French duvet "down", IPA: [dyˈvɛ]) (or continental quilt or doona) is a type of bedding — a soft flat bag traditionally filled with down or feathers, or a combination of both and used on a bed as a blanket. Duvets originated in rural Europe and were made from the down feathers of the Eider duck, known for its usefulness as an insulator.

klo tgk katil ak knape nk bli duvet cover double?sbbnye ak bli duvet double...besa sket....bru bhagia tdo...konon2la...then bes sbb leh ttp katil smpi bwh....tgkla gmbo kt bwh current duvet cover....tu bkan cadar tau...cadar da kna cover....xnmpk....

ni yg da bli msa mula2 smpi...i like tau!plum kaler....

sape2 yg tau kt mne lg duvet cover ni yg bes2 sila bgtau sy ye

xtau tajuk

scene di bank..mengisi form nk cash in duit...sbb natwest yg bongok x support account kitorg tuk buat online transfer....ngokngek je...natwest york ni nmpk cm byk junio yg br dtg sume kitorg suro buat loyds.... skali lgnk ckp bank service kt msia much better dr kt UK..
yeay!!da baya duit sewa rumah smpi february!!!xyah pikir lg da...since KPM da msk allowance smpi feb so better settle mane yg penting dlu...kayala sebentar....pas da bya2 sume menyusut bya GBP780 sorang for dec,jan,feb.....

pakcik bank tu pn tkejut kitorg bwk cash 2k+ pound..nk wt cmne..xde cek book.pastu natwest x support plk transfer on9..tpksa la bwk xdela bwk kulu kilir..pas cash out trs bank in...
yong!da pkai skirt ini...hiks....bekurun bli x xretila amik2 gmba kt cermin ni...4 kali amik x jadi lg...hiks...kelaka je...
dinner at city screen cafe....terjumpa pakcik2 ni kt sini pas shopping...window shoping je pn...therapy..
mkn kt lua..sibaik xsejuk sgt...sbb pakcik2 ni nk smoking...lgpon kusi kt dlm da ni tepi or atas sungai....building blkg tu seberang sungai..
merepek je ni..xde ape pn...saje je borink...

p/s:entry ni da lame nk kuo kan..

bike light

A:i need to go to city centre this evening...

B:buat ape?

A:bli lampu beskal..lampu lama jatoh aritu..pecah

B:penting sgt ke lampu beskal tu?

A:penting la...blk skola kul 6stgh da gelap gelita tau


A:yela....kul 5pm tu da msk isya tau...gelap gelita dala..klo nek beskal x pki lmpu,keta dr blkg xnmpk..xpsl2 kena ciom bontot....skg dok umah da lalu jln besa...pastu klo x betembung ngn polis die tgk xde lmpu beskal kena saman

B: lah...beskal pn kna saman eh

A:mm aah..

letak lmpu ni kt beg je sng...xyah psg2 kt beskal...leceh....kna bkak2..xleh tggal kt beskal je...tkt sangkut kt beg cmni dia tegedik2 sket br dr jaoh sng nmpk...lampu ni ada 2 mode...tebukak je...or dia lampu dia tegedip2...
ni lmpu dpn....nmpk je cm terang ni...actually lmpu ni xsesuai tuk klo kia nk guna tuk suloh jln...cuma sesuai tuk bg keta nmpk kita dr jaoh je....since jln yg ak guna ari2 xdela gelap sgt so xperlu pn lmpu tuk suloh2 just tuk bg keta dr depan nmpk kita ngn jelas...

ak mls nk bli lmpu yg kena bli lmpu yg cmni sng..gantung aje kt handle tu...pkai bateri thn lame...mse bli ni ade offer...sepasang ni 7pound...ok la...klo x hrga asal belas2....
klo amik gmba dekt beskal mst lg mslhnye ble da nek beskal tu da xdan nk amik2 gambo lg...sejuuukk...xdan nk pegang2 camera bagai...da pkai glove da mls da...hehe...nk cpt smpi n cpt msk umah je...

Friday 21 November 2008

period pain



Few women get away with no-pain periods, but there are now effective ways to minimise discomfort, explains Barbara Lantin

Painful periods were once thought to be entirely psychological. Because doctors could find no physical abnormality in patients, they assumed that the cause was all in the mind. Fortunately, we now know better.

There are two kinds of period pain or dysmenorrhoea: spasmodic and congestive. Their symptoms vary, but both are believed to be caused by hormone imbalances. The classic cramps in the lower abdomen are spasmodic dysmenorrhoea. The pain - in some cases as intense as labour pain - starts on the first day of the period and comes in waves about 20 minutes apart, each lasting around five minutes. It may be accompanied by sickness, headache and diarrhoea. By the third or fourth day, it has usually subsided. (ak selalu merungut "sakit cam nk beranak je ni...sakit gle" tp org ckp "mcmla ko tu penah beranak" tgk ape makcik barbara tu ckp(yg ak bold kale ijau tu) betol ak ckp ak sakit cm nk beranak wpon ak xpnh beranak...hehe...

During a period, chemicals in the body reduce the blood supply to the muscles of the womb in order to dislodge the lining. 'It seems that spasmodic dysmenorrhoea is caused by there being insufficient oestrogen for maturing and stretching the muscles of the womb,' says Dr Katharina Dalton, a pioneer in the treatment of pre-menstrual syndrome.

'During pregnancy there is an abundance of oestrogen for a full nine months and the muscle wall of the womb is stretched by the foetus. As a result, this type of period pain usually ends after pregnancy.' la yg org ckp klo kawen blh ilang bace lg...

Sufferers from congestive dysmenorrhoea experience a continuous, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and back which may start a week or more before the period, increase in severity on the first day of menstruation and then gradually ease. This kind of period pain does not disappear with pregnancy and may actually get worse. Stress can also exacerbate it. It may recur until periods cease with the menopause.

alamak...cmne ni...ade symptom ni la plak...xleh ilang smpi monopos la plak...adus....xleh la bg alasan nk kawen cpt...hakhakhak...
get worse yg xthn tu..phew..

Thursday 20 November 2008


i got no class today
i am wasting my time the almost whole day just lying on bed
sakit perot!!!!!!!
put laptop on my tummy...warm...jd tuam plk laptop ni..
lega skit..
hmmm...nk trn bwh..
tp sejuk...
lg cramp...
dala hw xsiap lg...
esk kna anta
benci PMS!!!
nk kawen!!!!!!!!!

sala ek...

bkn kawen leh lega period pain ke?
salah matlamat

shoh shoh shoh

tipu je...xnk kawen lg..
ha..nk gtau mamabh la tuh...

sakit prot la.....


holla!...dis month da tgk 2 movies ni....2 2 saw 5 ttp mate je 3/4 cerita...hehe....ttup sket je...tgk jgk....kelip2....saw 4 ak x blh je phm.....hmm...
"work as a one"--------mksd ape tu?bekerja sorang2 ke bekerja rmai2 jd 1?tula nilai2 murni dlm cite saw ni...sbb slh interpret mksd ayat tu kn sume da mati....

pastu smlm gi tgk quantum of solace ak 5star la cite ni...bes gle...xsempt nk boring pn...act kitorg kua city nk bli lampu beskal ak yg da pecah,pastu alang2 hari rabu ade student price tgk jla..pastu plk klo phonr pkai line orange dpt free one ticket..jimat byk jugakla...dr tiket 6pound kot sorang dpt total 9pound tuk 3 sorang 3 pound je....

sape2 yg rse nk tgk muvi tp xtau nk tgk cite ape silala tgk cite ni...kt msia rsenye da kua lame da kot eh...xcheck plk..muvi kt Uk ni lembab sket...msia lg laju...

itu saja

Wednesday 19 November 2008


bibik buat video clip raya
eman pn tlg abah potong daging mlm raya

men bunga api
abah curik orkid mama...
orkid mama
bibik n eman

wan and me
yong ngn maktok..

Tuesday 18 November 2008

good luck exam!

skrg ni sume org pn bz tgh exam kn
kt malaysia la
all da bes semua!!

jgn nk baca2 blog...blaja!
cuti skola pn da nk dkat kn...
besnye klo dok kt umah...
hmm......rasa mau pigi!cuti skolah!
tp da xskolah da...

eman da abes exam!

angah:eman!exam cmne?
eman:senang je....bulat2 je....bulaaaaaaaaat je sume....

skg yong je tgh peksa
all da bes ye yong!
da nk final kamu!
wt leklok...nnt lmbat kawen...hukhukhuk
atin pn ngah exam gk kot..lame x ckp ngn makcik tu
hmm...tuk sume2 yg tgh peksa....alll da bes tau!selamat periksa!!!

ak peksa 12jan
pas naek cuti winter
anyway,cuti winter my family is coming!
yeay!!!!!!tp pastu trs exam
hmm...2nd year ni da stat counting
so kna la wt leklok lg kn

hmm...nk mrepek ape lg ek?
rindu tok la...lame gle x call x
da sbulan lebeh da
adus...ble nk call tok ni
asek2 nk call timing xsesuwai aje
mst tok dok tggu

ape lg nk mrepek?
gmba blk? la plk nk upload
nnt la ye

tu saja
da pnat
nk tdo
arini klas smpi kul 6suku
pnt woo

Monday 10 November 2008

me in autumn 2008

light2 saja hokey...dis week bz la..stressss!!!!hw xbenti2...n xreti2!!!!

ke pms ni ye?hiks...

harusla weekend ni cuci mata lg...

tp ade sate nite la plak....

esk da kna start cucuk sate!more that 1000cucuk!huh!

sbtu is the event

so ahad br blh cuci mata..

tp konon2 jla la kot....sbb isnin da ade hw kna submit lg...bilo nk buatnye??

Saturday 8 November 2008

craving for clutch!

alamak!!!tetiba kempunan nk bli clutch baru....suddenly tgn seram sejuk...hahaha...
most of the clutch pictures here are from MNG,TOPSHOP and forever 21....
hmm.....browsing kt city centre td....hmm...plan nk bli krismas sale cm da x thn saje....
oh!gimana ya ibuk ibuk?

plan not to spend so much on this clutch sbb x pkai lame pn...nnt tuka2....less than GBP20 i guess...

pastu looking for yg ade tali panjang...blh sling...sbb malas nk pegang!

btw slalu bli handbag bsa2 pn tggal dlm keta nk pgang....

suke yg ini!
td tgk kt MNG city centre lbh kurg cmni 12pound saje...igt nk tggu boxing cm tkt da cm nk yg tali pjg...yg nmpk td tali x pnjg susala nk dpt yg cantek tp tali pnjg...

abaikan muke makcik tu...itu bukan sy yg pasti :p
cm smart jgk itam cmni...blh pkai with any baju...

suke yg ini!byk tpt card!tp gmba dpan dia xleh save n copy la plk...

snake leather!eyu...geli la plak...hehe...

gambo2 ini sy search kt google saje...bkn sy yg edit or anything.....
p/s:makcik jojot sila komen ya!sy tau kamu suke ini bende kan?hehe...

Wednesday 5 November 2008

30 minutes in 5years

ni cerita lama...mse blk cuti summer aritu....raya ke 4 kot.... all of us 1 family pegi shopping ke tesco extra baru kt permatang pauh gkla tesco tu....carrefour ade rival la....dlu kt sni makro...da tuka...
apa la ntah cerita tu..lupa suda...eman dok hegeh2...
ni lg sorang makcik ghiyeng! ghiyeng=cantek + besopan..hahaha...
on..ini binda tiruan...the cun of atin...suda besar la kamu atin
eman buli angah dia...cis!slalu je cmtu....atin tgk je...bkn nk tlg...haha...yong plk dan lg dok amik gmba....

ha!...pas shoping2...dpt news yg bini alang nk besalin...alang2 da dkat,so trus ke hospitl besar penang....smpi sepital x beranak2 la plak...ada tggu lama gkla...then teringt nk jmpa makcik sorang ni...ages x jmpa of my bestfren......

at first tqah x nk dtg spital tu...katenye tgh beraya ke apa tah....pastu ttba dia call ckp jd nk dtg....
dptla jgk lepaskan rindu wpon skejap....after 5 years x jmpa...dpt gk jmpa 30minit.....sempat borak2 sikit ja....makpak kami betuka2 la contact..since mama n makcik rose dibidang yg sama....chalet2 gitu...n abah n pakya jgk lebh kurg dibidang yg bla jmpa adala menda nk sembg kn....
bla kta nk sembg lama2 tqah?hmm....

athirah da besa!tomboy gle...blh la gang ngn eman...eman tu nmpk je jinak2 merpati....
oh!lupe nk gtau..tqah ni kwn ak mse kt mrsm pdrm kulim dlu lg...pas abes fom 3 ak pindah kitorg still close...x pnah lost cntct smpi skrg....wpon utara,selatan tp slalu cntct...n skrg wpon benua memisahkn kitorg msih btnya kabar....tqah x pna lupa kt ak....the true fren la konon2..insyaAllah.....bla nk mai tdoq umah ak tqah?!ish!mm...nntla klo sempt blk nnt nk gi bt feringgi sana...boleh? sama uncle manas la.....nnt pakya repot!hahaha.....

YMSA satay night

in week 5(next week la!) nnt ade satay night! of the YMSA big event....

mm we(me azira n farhana) kna msak bihun goreng n desert on that night...

im thinking of buat bubur n buat masak sagu with gula merah je...sng je kn...

pastu nnt ade gotong royong cucuk satay la...mau smpi lewat mlm ni....hopefully many people will turn up that night....the capacity is 70people...ikut perancangan...hopefully it will goes fine...

thinking of buat pertnding teh nnt mst messy tpt kna pikir blk..then a few people da ade bwk gasing...i bought too!from kedai arumugam!hoho....60sen saja bwk 2 saje....blh buat game members sndr pn xrti maen...cmne nk wt game tnjk demo...haha....

ok tu saja...

this is just the forwarded email from YMSA to all york YMSA members

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Hope that everyone had a good week. It was nice to see many people turn up for the first YMSA social, thank you very much for that. As promised, we will furnish you with information for upcoming events.

-Sate Night-

Date: Saturday, 15th November, 2008 (Week 5)

Venue: Holmesfield (Indoors, near Halifax football field)

Time: 5pm-9pm

Entry: Members £3, Non-Members £5

There will be lots of food such as Sate, fried rice, fried noodles, snacks, etc. Vegetarian food is also available. Tickets can be bought via the following means:

1. You can call contact these people: Azlan (07809367044)

Maisarah (07942588935)

Soon Hock (07817765075) - Halifax

Raj (07828937187) – New Vanbrugh

Nadia (07515759594)

Adam (07519103690)

Or you can email and ask for tickets, and arrange delivery.

2. You can come over to the Roger Kirk dining hall (there will be a clear sign on the table), where we will be selling tickets from Wednesday (5/11) to Friday (7/11) from 12pm to 3pm.

Only 70 tickets will be available for sale, and we can assure you that there will be lots of food for everyone, as well as some fun and games. Tickets sales start now through our agents and email, or you can come meet us at the Roger Kirk Centre. Hope to see you there! J


YMSA elections are coming up in week 6, and all members are encouraged to try out. Being in the committee is lots of fun; you get to plan and organise events, as well as contribute to the members of the society. A strong bond exists between the committee members, and the people you work with may become your good friends for life. Posts up for nominations are:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, 2 Welfare Officers, Press Publicity and Public Relations Officer, 2 Events and Activities Officer.

If you are interested in running, drop us a line at or speak to any of the committee members. More details will follow through email, including exact dates for nominations and elections, as well as detailed primer on posts in the YMSA.


We have regular futsal sessions at the sports centre, usually every Saturday, but if court is fully booked we have it on Sunday instead. If you wish to be in the futsal mailing list and be constantly updated of futsal sessions you can email We will be starting regular badminton sessions as well really soon so if you wish to be on the badminton mailing list do email us.

p.s. We do have a facebook group (York Malaysian Students Association). We send out invitations but we sometimes miss out on some members, and you may have not be invited yet. In which case, you are very welcome to join the group! There are pictures and event updates there.

Terima Kasih.

York Malaysian Students Association

YMSA welcoming paty

on week 2 of the new term we York Malaysian Society Association organised a welcome party for the new freshers who has joined YMSA...and for those who join the society for this academic year as well...we the old comitte prepared a few dishes...we ve got halal pizza from efes and a few other snackes....

the event was just to give opportunity to malaysian n for those who interested with malaysia mingle around n get toknow each here,new people can meet the other least they know that there are society which they can turn up if they have any problem and they can feel like back home in malaysia about politics,economy,teh tarik,nasi lemak n so on...

the good news is we do have a few Bruneian and kazakhs pakistanis and a few others who join us....

arina,rabiatul from brunei and jaselyn(live in msia 8 years n now live in england)her accent mmg cm minah saleh la....
the formal meeting...azlan leads the meeting..just gave the brief what YMSA is all about
VP n the welfare exco..

adam the president of international student assoc..and he is malaysian!...go malaysia!

azlan mr president
raj the welfare exco with mr kazakh n pakistani

the new maths girls...
aron n tim from brunei...