Monday 22 March 2010

live from stockholm

hi all.

now i am in Stockholm sweden with atin my sister and 3 of my friends


dah 3 days here.esok nk balik da...

the first day was awesome..sunny...
we went to the old was antique and unique..
i like the small shops..small streets...
best la...but no shoping obvoiusly..semua pon mahal....

second day was snowing!
not so productive..
we went to malaysia restaurant here.
so kelakar.rasa nk bakar that restaurant.
kotiau pon keras macam lidi.dala 12pound..
gelak je all the time in the shop.menunggu next dish.
pastu jalan2 je meredah snow.

arini plan to go to museum and the biggest IKEA ever.
do u know IKEA is from sweden.
x sabar nk tgk

got to go.

Sunday 14 March 2010

england kids school.

wednesday will be PE class..PJ class according to one of the teacher,one of the teacher is not they cant do the today will be just playing around class.

class ni divide to a few sections..x hafal la plak semua.tapi ada bulding section,colouring,maths,etc...each section tu ada la mainan dorg...dorang kena gilir2...
tuka2 mainan dorg lengkap la..colour pencil,pencil.paper,play doh,lego..
macam2 la..budak2 dtg sekolah bwk diri je..ngn buku laporan..

every morning cikgu kena check buku laporan dorg..dalam buku tu parents dorg akan tulis apa2 tentang progress anak dia about reading..sebab every day dorg kena bwk balik 1 story book utk baca kt rumah....kalau x habis baca xpe..nnt esok smbg lg...tu la penting mak dorg kena komen dlm buku tu....menarik bg aku....

dalam kelas ni ada 4 cikgu kot...ramai dia divide 2 1 group 2 cikgu la...

main colour2...
main cikgu2 kot..
main colouring..
main bulding..
main masak2..
each students kena update feeling dorg every morning...ade pelekat smiley kt situ..tampal je..comel kan?
ade yg letak cross,happy,sad,etc

pastu selepas an hour camtu cikgu dia panggil dalam one small group buat calculation maths..semua kena duduk dalam bulatan...cikgu dia bg card yang ada tulis nombor atas tu,
pastu dorg kena susun sweets sweet sugus tu..1 box tu ada dorg kena la kira..gilir2..setiap org dpt nombor lain2 la..pas abis semua orang buat,dorang mkn la sweet tu..semua excited..

ni drawing thomus and maya...pemikiran dorg sgt kritis..semua nk lukis..siap pikir nk lukis ape lagi...yg kelaka dia lukis post office.pastu siap ada org yg jaga dlm post office...smbil dia draw dia bgtau x nmpk rupa orang ngn post office pon la...every single thing dorg nk lukis...lights,traffic light,zebra crossing,etc...pastu sibuk dok cite kt aku...aku layan kan jela...

i like these 4 girls...they all really friendly...ebby,ruby,harrieth,oliver.
Ruby and harreth ni macam best friends la..seronok tgk dorg...bekepit je bedua...
masa aku borak2 ngn dorg,tiba2 heather came ang hug sweet...tiba2 da rasa syg to all these girls...(kalau ikut syarat,i cant have physical comtacts with all of the students)
kalau ikutkan hati memang nk peluk je smua kids ni..dorg comel and baik x boleh la..kalau dorg yg touch kita x pela...

bilik ni nama dia secret room..tah ape la budak2 ni buat..
baca buku je pon dalam tu..konon2 mencari ketenangan la kot..

dekat one side ada food.buah ngn air je any time the kids boleh dtg mkn la..kot2 dorg penat and lapar kan..kt situa da carrot ngn limau...dorg makan carrot tu mcm rabbit je..hiks.

dorg boleh main kt luar jugak..

ni staff room..dorang minum je kt sini..kena buat sendiri..masa aku dtg sini,ckgu2 dia da nk abis minum da...aku br nk minum dorg da cepat2 keluar..bgs betol.semua rushing nk masuk kelas...x sempat dengar dorg gossip..haha.

ruby and harrieth...semangat suro aku amik gamba rumah dia...dia suroh aku lukis gamba rumah aku...pastu dia cakap "your house is funny"...cess punye budak..haha..

main cikgu2 lagi...

budak ni comel giler..

"play teacher" with emily...ingatkan kita je ade main dia pon dia nye main cikgu2 xde la main sgt....sorang baca book,sorang dengar..then gilir2 la...

surprise2..i already got my first card on my first is from sweet kristy...
"this is for u"....pastu dia lari...terharu i....pastu terpaksa cari dia balik sebab xtau nama dia lg masa tu..and x sempat say thanks...

teacher will read the book before the lunch time..(but they call it dinner..confuse lagi haku...padahal time tu pkl 12.30pm..)
as for all, ia had soooooooo much fun!
x menyesal langsung join walaupon sangat liat nk bgn early morning
and super busy.
at least i do have new theraphy here..

Wednesday 3 March 2010

first day placement(school part1)

today is my first day of placement at Dringhouses Primary School.
Not much gain yet
I was there almost an hour early.
giler excited kan
cant predict how far is the school
because i never been there before.
it just 20-30 minutes away by bus from my house

dalam bas tadi aku suro conductor bus tu tunjuk tempat nak berhenti.
sebab x sure.tapi ada satu couple orang tua next to me ni
kecoh beria dia yang nk tunjuk.
semua orang dalam bus tu dia nak tunjuk jalan
dia pon ramah je borak ngn makcik conductor tu
aku agak couple tu mesti orang lama kt york
seems like they know everthing about that place
so sibaik la ada org baik tunjukkan jalan.

masa aku sampai 12.20pm.
my appoinment should be at 1pm.
12.20 tu budak2 tu tgh dorang tgh main2 lari.
aku tunggu je kt reception sebb my appoinment pkl 1pm.
lagipun akan ada 2 org lg nak sampai.
lama jugak la tunggu.
they arrived at 1.15pm..

tapi dalam pkl 1pm macam tu slh sorang cikgu tu dtg kt aku
dia cakap "it seems that u have waited for so long.would u like a cup of tea or something?"
i really appreciated that.aku cakap 'i'm fine'.
walaupon cikgu@makcik yg jaga reception tu busy dengan budak2 dok berlari2 amik buku kedatangan ke apa ke aku xtau la.
tapi mmg busy la.budak lari2.tanya2 n so on.maybe sebab time tu da nak masuk kelas balik kot.but dia still dtg nk offer aku air.

sekolah dorang kt sini 8.15am to 12pm...pastu sambung balik 1pm to 3.15pm..
so agak lama kan.petang tu dorang macam klas2 skill je kot.

anyway,tadi aku x start masuk klas lg.
just dia tunjukkan tempat.semua klas.pastu aku pilih kelas mana yang aku nak.
choice tak byk pon.
since 2 org lg tu budak 1st year so dorang kelas maybe full aku bg chance dorang pilih dlu.
aku nnt next term xde klas i will be fine.

last2 aku dapat kelas reception.which is macam pra sekolah la..
budak kecik la kirannya.macam comel nye.
and aku akan start next week.
hopefully i will be fine.
aku akan start masuk kelas next wednesday
pagi rabu tu kelas PE...(pj le kalau kt msia kan)
oh excited!
(baru igt nk ajar budak tadika la..)

p/s:oh by the way nak mengumpat skit.budak 2 org yg buat placement kt situ jugak ngn aku tu macam berlagak giler.x friendly langsung.penat je aku buat2 baik.maybe sebab they know each other kot.macam 2 orang dah gang kan.ttba aku sorang.pastu cam asian bertudung bagai plak kan.what ever la....kalau korang tak tau,young english girl mmg berlagak pon.bajet je semua.jumpa tepi jalan bukan nk senyum sgt pon.classmates aku yg baik2 mostly laki.yg perempuan belagak!heee...