Monday 31 December 2007

bye 2007

waa...seronoknye..da nk abes 2007...hehe..sronok mse blalu cpat sbb nk blk msia cpat..huhu..da rindu sgt nih....wawawa.....7months to saba ye sayang2 ku...huhu....

mm 2007....ape yg bes ek?lpe nk pk 2007 membuatkan ak rse tua..sbb da x teen lg..kan?cm da tue plk..huhu...

ape2 pn...ape yg bes mse 2007 ptt disyukuri n xbes ptt diperbaiki...

mm azam baru....ape ek?las yer xigt ade azam ke maybe lasyer bz ngn alevel life kot...tkt xlpas fly kn??mm sian kt mamaabh...xpsl2 kecewa ngn im very proud to make them happy!!! :)

azam baru....ape ek?tanak gtaula...malooo....hehe....

ape2 pn..goodluck to all of u in starting ur new life(for those yg nk new life) or goodluck for those who want to continue their life as usual...but still need to make sure ur life must be better n better ok!!baru ada kemajuan!!kan?hoho..

what to achieve 2008????msti ade target ok!!!kene ade aim....

ok...this is gonna be my last post for the year 2007 ....see ya 'next yer'.....tata......

Friday 28 December 2007


im really looking forward to buy lumpy disney toys..xkire nk jgk..rse cm nk sgt..regret 4 not buying it last time..saw already at disney shop tuh..besh sgt..lembuuutt..kaler purple..sbb tu die GBP 9 kot yg bsa td usha kt ebay..12inches cmpor postage cost GBP 1.99 same gk...xde ke yg murah lg?cm bes je...nk tgk gmba die??

comel kn?xpna tgk katun die pn kt tb..xtau tgk die kt kdai aritu cm nk bli skg cm xbape kaye..* day i will get that lumpy gk...xkire...hhmmm lumpy2....

Thursday 27 December 2007

KYUEM memories(part 1)

the dancers
dewi and laksamana
dewi and pendekar jawa
big people in this casting;from left:zarul(ass director:casting),amir(director),nana(ass director:management),me(actress,boss besar)
me,costume crew,queen(best actress

with naem(garnet house)
with abg hafiz(abg jual beger+abg dining hall) family

2005-2007 memories..byk ni je gmba yg saje je nk ltak dlm blog ni..sng nk time bangsawan..some sort of but zamn dolu2 punye style..

this is my house production...the title "merah mawar neraka" gerun kn dagn me was one of the main main ke?mm bolela..watak antagonis...baek..

actually mse kt kolej dlu me was a house captain for topaz house..for girl la of course..mse kt kolej dlu most of the actv according to house..we divided into 4 chalet(hostel) pon duduk ikt house..we call it "kampung" me was in the kampung topazla...

ok..back to da bangsawan stori..actually ak mmg tanak acting since ak ni captain so u think i have much thing to klo blh dont want to b in casting then watla audition..audition punye audition,no one suitable 4 watak "dewi"..according to tuan they all pujok2 me to think of pride of my house i should sacrifice la...bkn sacrifice ape pn,sacrifice my seganla...n all my bakattependam..haha...siyes..actually mmg xpndai belakon lame2,ble si tuan direktor amir farid tu ajar,bolela sket2 kot.4 me myself p,i didnt satisfied with my acting xpela..this my 1st time pn..mmg xpna blaja pn mende2 ni..and x la intersted pn..just as experience...

mm xde pn gmba ngn sume actors...aiseh...

boxing day

arini ngn smalam(26dec,27 dec) gi boxing...huhu..klo kt cni pggil boxing je..ape boxing tu???tumbok2 ke?ak memule dtg dlu pn blur gk ape boxing2 tu..rpenye br tau...boxing day tu ari shoping!!!!haha....sbenaye definition tu pn sala we'll see what actually boxing day....~

Boxing Day is the day after Christmas, a public holiday in most countries in The Commonwealth. It originated as a day for giving gifts to employees and poor people. It has sporting traditions, especially fox hunting, and is the day when stores launch the most significant sales period in the retail cycle.
It is usually celebrated on
26 December, the day after Christmas Day, but can move to 27 December or 28 December if 26 December is a Saturday or Sunday. The movement of Boxing Day varies between countries.
The public holiday is recognised in the
United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, as well as many other members of the Commonwealth of Nations.

mm..time boxing day ni xde transpot la plk..aiyo..potong stim btolla...xkan kene jalan kaki? 1 hour walking..aiyo..pnat tuh..huhu..but cant miss the chance the oppotunity to see n experience boxing day..sambil2 tuh boleh cuci2 mate n cuci2 on 26th tu woke up at 8 and masak nasik lemak..sice we decide to go there by foot so need to do 'preparation'..

so msk dlu pg2 n makan!!eat 4 walk 4 about 1 hour..then smpai ct centre..but.......found out most of the shop still close n will open 5a.m on 27 dec...damn..sape nk dtg pg2 bute?mm so just go to mane2 kdai yg bkak jer...mse msk 1 shop tu,suddenly bunyi alarm kuat gle..sume org pandang..cuak not a thief..hello...i just want to buy n have a look je..knape alarm ni bunyi plk..patu cashier tu da bsg2...ckp ape tah ak xphm..dala xbape dnga..ckp shongshengshongsheng je...slang apetah die ckp..xphm then ade sorg staff dtg check..xde pape pn..mmgla xde pape..xkan ak bwk bom kot!!huhu..

then tgk2 brg..ade gk yg murah..clearence 2007 punye..ade gk yg i bought tshirt GBP1...murah kan?tp tshirt bodo je..sbb nk pkai kt blk..dtg bwk 2 lai je short sleeve nk pki kt blk..pkai yg tu,bsh yg need to buy 1 mse nk kua tu ak cm da fobia...last2 bunyi gk...kuaja btol!!ak x curik!!ak beli!! dala bunyi kuat gle....huish..tensen!!mm check2 rpenye yg bunyi dvd dlm beg ak..b4 tu ak ade bli dvd kosong..nk burn die detect mende tu rpenye..

then jln2 jmpe kak syafa(docto keje kt york)..then pastu die ajak gi designer outlet(shopping complex)..die kt fulford...jao gkla dr ct centre...since kwn die nk anta,ikt jla..shoping2 kt ctu..ak bli bj2 kt mark n spencer..spent there quite alot la..klo transfer RM la..males nk cite msk kdai ape..sbb byk sgt..fred perry pn ade..(kdai kasot amir suke)..kt clark pnoh plk msian..mane dtg actuly kt outlet tu ttbe asek jmpe msian je..planet mane tah dorg dtg..xknal pon..ade yg senyum..ade gk yg rse nye mostly sume yg jmpe,mst ak yg senyum dlu.. :) .dorg ni dtg dr mane2 tpt tah..kt york gk dorg shoping...huhu~bangge plak...

ttbe2 kak syafa call,die ngn kwn die da blk..aiyo...nk blk nek ape ni?xkan nk jln kaki?jaoh kot..dala da pnat jenjalan tawaf outlet dipendekkan cite,ttbe nsb kitorg baek jmpe taxi kt tu nk amik passenger die yg da rezeki kitorgla..lga...smpai gk aritu 1 gmba pn ak x amik..huhu...xtau males...

the next day,kua lg..sbb cm xpuas ati kdai byk x bole thn gkla..rmai gle org..ak msk mark n spencer lg..sbb mse kt mark n spenser kt outlet crik bju kt abah xjmpe sbb xde size abah...yg aku bekenan sume xde size abah...tensen je..mentang2 ak bli yg clearence..size XL...cptla abes sbb mat saleh kn klo kt clearence tu size M ngn S besepahla...then dpt la bju abah..actually cm x puas ti cm nyesal plk klo x bli sbb mse boxing day ni jla ade sale cmtu bju abah tu hrge asal GBP30..tggal GBP9...aiyo...fenin2..last2 bli gk...huhu.

~rmai org~

then gi new look...bli my own jumper...bli kt yong ngn atin skali...same...hrge asal tggal sbb aku suke.ak bli 3...bli same design tp kale laen2...cantek...hehe..ak laen xtaula...

mm adela lg mende len ak bli...malesh plk nk cite sume..nnt korg bosan..plk...haha...ok la..tu je kot.for boxing this yer..pasni 2 bulan xleh shoping...puasa shoping..duwet da sikiiiiiit je...blela kpm nk msk duit ni...duit blanje for last 3 months smpai skrg xdpt lg...adoi...sakit mati ak klo cik sharifah bce blog actually dorg da kasi duit in advance 4 3 months banje kt da gne bya accomodation...tu pasalla da xde duit...then ade msk duit duit tula nk bli buku...duit tula nk xpe2..ape2 pn sy msh besyukur sbb kt msia tu rami je lg stdnt2 msia yg ssh..duit pinjaman pn xckp..ak ni kire ok lgla...ckp mknla...da gmok siap..telebih mknla kot..~huhu
mm itu je kot..igt cm mls nk tulis..last2 jadik pjg plk..apela..badan pnat..mate arini burn 1 day nk stadi.boxing day nye xpe staun skali kul 7..nk tdo awl ok jp nk watpe...usha2 ebay la plk..alamak..xabes2 lg shoping rpenye..haha..ok..tata

Sunday 23 December 2007

raya aji

my puding!!!yg tgh2...
the food
alif with untie nana n untie azira(kt cni tpksa jd untie :) )

kak ja's familykak ayu's familykak wati's familykak nia's familykak lin's family
abg saiful's family
abg saiful and sonscaca and her nanny

alif chomel

kak sherry's and da trio and alif
york kids

watching tv sementara tggu yg lenlain smpai
alamak!!tudung x menten..:p
penunggu meja di dapor..(lamp desk nk memanaska laok :p)

host 4 this hari raya..all single but not available
tq 4 guys!!

hari raya aji...this time garrowby team volunteer nk jd host..eventhough umah dorg dkira umah bujang,tp bole thn gkla..kmas sbb dorg ni sume da bsa2..bkn bdak2 lg..da late 20 kot..or da early thirty da..sbb dorg sume wat phd..master ade rayner tu da kawen,tp tgal anak bini kt mazidi tu katenye da btunang,,mm si awang plak da ade awek..n si apok plak katenye da kawen..sme rayner yg ckp..klo rayner tpu ak xtaula..hehe..name2 td dlm susunan gmba kt ats apok tu org join msia jgk..sbb indon 2 org je..

mknn byk jgk..ade soto,nasi minyak laok mcm2.kambeng pn ade.ade mee rebus,ade kue lopes,ade bihun singapore,ade puding ak buat,ade ayam percik,ade ayam kari tp tarok srai rayner buat,ade pekedil,mm ade ape lg ek..xengat da..tu je kot..mkn je xbenti2..patu men ngn ilyas..anak ang saiful yg sgt chomel..umor 4 years kot..xrti ckp mlayu..die ckp english mmg cm mat saleh la..hebat..ak jage die smpai kne ejek amah..cahat tol!

kitorg 3 org ni cm middle age.sbb yg len2 major da kawen.klo yg xkawen lg pn,dorg da berumor..30 dorg sme borak2 cite psl anak2..patu gol yg bwh2 plk,sme kanak2..dok men2 spiderman la..bantan kitorg dok jla kat dapo melahap..haha..tggu food...x leh nk join conversation..hehe...

dorg ni mjor ada yg nk abes stadi da..nex yer da nk blk this picture will give a lot of memories to me nnt..maybe this is da las gathering with all of them yg abes by may next yer...

ha..nila gmba2 ilyas..

mse nk balik,ilyas ni plok2 n ciom ak...bes plk..xsuro pn..ak just ckp shake hand je kt die buat gaya cm nk suro plok die..ak pn plok la die..patu die kiss kt pp..hehe..dak kcik pn tau nk syg org nana..die xnk salam nana pn..die said no!!hehe..bkn sbb nana jahat..sbb nana x maen ngn die die xnk la..nana dok maen ngn alif ak ni da siap jd kuda si ilyas ni lg..naek atas blkg...bwk die pusing2...ble ak ckp "im tired"..,die ckp "last time only untie..plisss..."...hehe..chomel...patu mse ak bg die maen camera ak tgkap2 gmba,die da sronok da..patu lame2 ak mls nk bg die maen da..ak ckpla..nnt run out battery..pastu die ckp mende yg same gk.."1 more untie..pliss..."..hehe..nmpak sgt ilyas ni x degil kan??bahgia nye ade anak cmni.hehe...actually mse rye puase dlu,ak da bodek2 da ilyas ni..memule die xnk kt org...ak bodek2 maen ngn die pelan2..skg ni,die da nk da...:)

Friday 21 December 2007

food again

yea!brg mama anta da sampai...banyak gile..tq mama!!!tq abah jugak....dala mahal...11.5kg..rm417.90...mahal kan?aritu mak nana pos dri london..kirim kt uncle die yg keje GBP10 je..ok pasni xsuro pos da..melainkan tetibe rse ngade2 nk jugk!! mama xkesah pn sbb mama cian kt anak die yg kering skg ak da naek 3kg!! xgemok tau....confirm x gemok sbb membe2 dtg visit york smalam xtgo ak gmok maknenye xgemok la tuh..huhu...
esk ade celeb raye for all msian di york..port luck yg bujang2 ni ditugaskan bwk dessert je..ak wat puding pelangi ngn caramel....sedeh..puding pelangi tu x jadik sgt sbb pkai susu cair yg tulis kt tin die thick milk..hehe..salah amik kot...bile panas,susu tu mendak...cuak da ak igt ak cm redha je..bile keras,rse die ok slalu ak bwat kt msia rupe die cm ok je org mkn..dorg bkn tau pon..hehe
yg puding karamel tu x jadik bwk esk sbb da nk abes..da mkn..haha..kelaka x?tp sbenaye ade kesahnye..karamel tu kan kene kukus..punyela pndai ak kukus dlm bekas aiskrim..pastu tggal..naek atas...turun2 dapo tgk bekas aiskrim tu da sibaik karamel tu da x boleh nk ubah ke bekas laen sbb tkt die last2 kitorg pn mkn je sedap!!!aiman suke la mkn karamel ni..
esk ade pasembor..kak ayu buat pasembor!!sedapnye..ade ape la lg esk ek??mm tggu..nnt esk cite raye aji plak...tata..

york tour again

20 dec...ari raye korban..early morning lg da solat ari raye..kt mesjid bull lane...jumpela makcik2 arab n makcik2 pakistan yg baek ati..sembang2 skit pas solat,pastu,we rushing to the train station sbb nk pick up dak2 yg nk dtg york ni..
dorg dtg dr mcm2 uni..semua ni kwn2 ak mse kolej dlu..taha,adek,anep,imran,akmal,n bwkla dorg jln2..since cm 1 hari je,so cm packla...n pnat...
ni york minster...yg terbesar di north england..mmg sgt bsa..bak kate dak2 ni,bsa mid valley.haha...kat york ni,xde bgnn yg blh tggi dr minster ni...die yg plg tggi..sape2 yg xtau minster tu ape.minster tu tahap yg lg tggi lgla..dlm die ade sejarah2 zmn rome dlu..nk msk kne bya.. GBP3

dlm minster tu mmg sgt cantek..senibina die...wpon die adalah gereja,tp senibina die mst dtg dr ilham org islam jgk...kan?ak teke je...

york at nightni da nk blk..anta dak2 ni blk..
mm seronok jugakla jalan2 ngn dak2 ni sbb da lame xjumpe n da lame x begossips..ahax..dak2 ni dlu kt kolej antr yg rapat jgkla ngn ak..rakan2 yg boleh nk gurau2 bestla kutok2 dorg ni sbb dorg ni kelaka n xkesah..gurau2...ak rse prangai ak sangat xsenonoh ble ngn dorg ni...dorg ni sgt happening..wat lawak2 smpai ak glak cm happy that day..tq anda semua..even pnat,tp bebaloi...