We always have a dinner together. They are very impress with my cook. And sometimes our (me azira n nana’s cook.)
I cook them kind of cekodok and they were impressed tahap cipan kate org..huhu…padahal cekodok je pon…huhu
Fiesta is like an international event conducted by OSA(overseas student assoc)..They are a food competition among countries. Malaysians are going to cook bihun goreng and onde2 by me,azira,nana and kak farah..(they call us fantastic four)..some others will cook kari ayam,udang msk lemak,popia,otak2,cekodok,nasi minyak,rendang daging and apetah lg…x hengat da..byk sgt..the drink is air
i shared about Muslim as well ..that’s a way of dakwah actually…nahoko seems knows a bit about muslim…she can tell the reason why we wear tudung…she knows how to say assalamualaikum and she seems interested in knowing about Islam as well..
lpe nk gtau..yg black girl tu mmg housemates yg lame...her name is abrafi kusi(i like her name)..she was born in britain but her parents were originally came from ghana...i think thats all for todays post...nway next monday were going to have like small party..they going to make us a dessert..kind of pie kot...they have checked with us about the ingredients...sooo baik kn...they want to make sure that we can eat oso...memahamila dorg ni sbb ak da cite sket2 psl islam...
mm 1 lg lpe nk gtau..td kitorg mskan dorg mee tomyam...dorg happy sgt..puji smpai melambong2...huhu...ak pn ske gk...i mean ske tomyam...hehe...ok la pnat br blk men badminton td..da sakit pinggang plk..x streching..pdn mke..hehe..tp dis week puas sket maen sbb maen 2 jam...ok la...daaa
diorg umo brape? muke matured2 je..tgk muke k0 ni dak kck mane ni?? muahahah!! tp dak kck ni jgkla yg bg org mkn..bgs2! eheheeh
oh.lpe nk gtau.si nahoko tu da 29.die sje je nk blja.tp wt 2 sem je.org kya kot.and daniella plk 21.sbaye kite.tp die da 3rd yer.dorg kn mmg cpt abes skola.and osmet ak yg len2 sme 18.sakit jiwa ak dok ngn dak2 kcik tu.penyepah!huh.haha.tp klo ikt fizikal mmgla kte nmpk kck.lgpon dorg cpt matured sbb cpt abes skolah kot.huhu
penyepah?? klakar plak ak dgr k0 ckp cmtu! igt k0 nk sebut menyampah ke, penyemak ke..ni penyepah!! muahahahaah!!!
mai,k0 ari2 study bpe jam ek? k0 tdo byk x? haha.
hmm depends on weather..haha.ak xleh study siang..susahla..skrg ni kn mlm cpt..so ble da glap,mood stadi tu dtgla..so stadi lame la sket..nnt klo da siang pnjg,xtaula cmne...huhu...
btw jam x tntu..at least 3jam la..kul 11 smpai 1..kdg2 lbih..kdg2 x lgsg..haha..tp dis term cm more organise..da ade timetable..so cm da fix la..arini kna fhmkan nwat latihan 4 topik ape,the next day,topik len...so cm klo ak miss,ak kna ganti blk 4 the next day,and the next day jd double la...n klo topic 4 that day sng nk fhm,skjp jla ak blaja...fhm ke?bebelit2 plk ak ckp...haha
phm2..tp ak xreti la nk folo time table..sbb kdg2 ade cite best kt tv ke, kuar dating ke, ade org dtg umh ke, xjalan jgk time table tu..huhu! ak pn xleh study siang, panas la, ngantok la..tgh2 mlm br la leh study..pg2 buta lg xpnh! org kate pg2 buta sng msk la, tp ak mngantok lg adela..huhu! t'igt zaman matrik,ms tula smgt study plg tggi ak rs. tp prob ak ngntok memanjang! haha!
klo cpt mngantok,ak rse ko kna stadi sket2 tp byk kali..ko cm bgn pg bce skit..patu awl mlm bce skit..patu benti jap,patu smbg blk...so cmpor2 dptla byk...ak plk jnis cpt bosan.so ak,stadi kul 7 smpai 9.pastu benti mkn2+sembg2..pastu kul 11 ke smbg blk smpai kul 1 or 2...klo weekend,stat dr pg..tp blja skit2la..xla cpt bosan..
aik???mkan maggie jer???mcm mana nak gumuk??kui3~
mane ade mkn megi??huhu..nway da put on weigth skg ni..naek 3kg!!huhu
wow bestnya ada housemate jepun..hehe..mesti bst kan..cbleh blajar campur2 bahasa kan mai...
aah..slalu dorg akn tanye in BM ape tau..suke je nk tau..n ak pn dok tnya in japan gk..kwn ak azira tu mg minat.so dia dok blaja skit2la..tgk katun anime byk sgt..heheh
cawan dlm jpon pn cawan gk
pastu ak gtau nahoko yg selipar jmban kt msia kita pgill sipar jepun...haha..
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