salam semua!!!
hey!! im back..
ak tau musti rmai rindu ak kn??kekekekekeke..perasan jek...
da kt york da ni...smpi ptg smlm....
hmm...bes jgk blk bilik setelah penat merantau...xdela pnat mane pn...enjoy je...
yg penat sbb ble blk,kna basoh2 baju n kmas2 sume..
pastu kna back to the routine....
tp actually xdela routine sgt pn..
sbb ak tgh cuti lg..
ade lg 2 weeks b4 exam on 21 th of april...
yg buat ak lg betambah tambah tambah tambah tensen ble tenet blk ak tetiba buat hal!!!
gler bosan nk mati!!!
siyes buntu!
pdhal bru bpa jam je tenet blk ak tu jd cmtu..tetiba je...
cite die cmni..semalam mozilla tu ade anta notifocation soh hapdet mozilla tu..
ble dah update,trs cannot connect...hampes tul...dala internet explorer pn xleh connect...budus tol..
sibaik ym ngn skype still blh bkk...die kate tenet connection ym ok je...fenin2...bru besemangat nk hapdet..potong stim aje tau..
n sbb da buntu xtau nk wt cmne lg,ak bia jela...
ni skg kt blk computer...sibaik dkt je ngn umah ak tuh...mlm ni cmne??hadoi...
ade sesiapa dpt membantu x??klo xleh settle esk ak kna pgi admin la...malasnyeee......
hm..,nk cite psl europe tour pn da tebantut tau...
xpe2..masih boleh cool sbb cuaca pn cool la...hehe..
mm nk mula cita ni...
ak kua rumah 26hb...stay london smpi 29..pg2 29 bru grak ke amsterdam....
so kite mulangn london dlulla...
Sayonara....Adios Amigos.....
8 years ago
1 comment:
yeay dh update!
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