early morning(8a.m) da grak from the univ to the newcstle...2 bus of (overc stdnt assoc)OSA members..the journey took abaout 2 hours..i slept all da way...mmg nk tgk scenery die..tp it just da farm most of da time....so0o ngantok!hehe..first time tgk best gk..tp cm da x excited sgt da..so tdo je..as usual,bas ni cme drop je kitorg kt ctu n then pndai2 la jln sndr..they just provide us a map la..kang sesat plak...
the driver dropped us at the newcastle central station...which is a train station...the city is quite big n busy compared to the york city..smpai je,trembling sbb sjuk sgt2..newcastle ni north lg dr york..usually lg atas,lg sjuk..dala ak pkai ala kadar jek...forgot 2 bring glove n shawl...mmg smpai kebas2la..sbb sgt sjuk..unfortunately,it was raining when we arrived...lgla btmbah sjuk sbb basah..slalunye kt york,klo ujan less cold..tp kt newcastle ni,cm sjuk je jgk..check forecast,it was 2-4 degree...
ni kt ct centre die..ntah apela makcik 2 org tu buat..nk dkt2 krismas ni,mcm2 la dorg pkai dok tgh2 jln..evevthough ujan,tp rmai jgk org bershopping...mm lupelak nk cite,b4 tu,jmpe zarul..my my fren from kyuem dlu..he's stdying at newcasltle university..he's doing marin engineering..(saje nk kasi z glamer sket :))so met him.mmg plan pn la...ask him 2 be our tourist guide..ape gune ade membe kan..:p..
jln2 kt ct centre,xbli pape pn sbb duit sponsor xmsk lg...da sgt sengkek..so mmg xboleh shoping..just jln2 je..cian kan...actually da try2 da boot tu..lupe plak nk amik gmba..1 shop tu mostly boot je..muarah sgt..5pound pn ade..tp cm kne btahan dlu due to money problem..sibaikla mse try tuh,boot tu xsdap pkai..hehe..so xla tekilan sgt..then mls nk try2 boot laen da..then msk kdai2 len plak..cuci2 mate...pas bjlan2 dlm ujan,prot pn trasela lapa..biasela tu..lgpon da kul 12pm da...so z brought us to the halal fast food restaurant(chicken cottage)
ha...nila menu2 nye..tgkla price die..klo convert to msia currency sakit gkla..heheh...i chose menu no 3(GBP 3.99)..azira pn nk yg tu gk..then nana pn tiru..sbok je sume org..hehehe..were very lucky on that day coz
Z belanja 3 of us!!!!!!horrey!!!ngeee...tq very much z..murah rezki ang.aminnn..nnt ang mai york,kami blanje ang plak eh???? :)act z br je dpt durian runtuh from his engineering school..he just got 1000pound(klo kali 7,kirela sendiri)...gle bapak ah..banyak tuh..da boleh kawen tu z...kehkehkeh...best gle...acording to z,he will get another 1500pound from univ plak..as a reward bcoz choose newcastle as his firm uni..(mse mule2 nk pilih uni dlu)mmg bes gle..murah btol rezki ang z..sibaikla ang xkedekut..mm sbb tu rezki ang murah kot..hehe....
then pas mkn we went 2 univ of newcastle mosque..to pray..then we went most of the important place...nk tau ape???as usual..kdai bli ayam...ngeee..Z pn cm An(manchester) dlu gk.glakkan kitorg sbb kitorg nk bli ayam..cian kt kitorg..hehe...Z brought us to newcastle al- halal...kitorg bli 3 ekor ayam...mase ni ujan lbat sgt..ttbe2 frost trn..cm salji tu..tp nipis je..telompat2 la aku igt salji..kehkehekeh..tp kjap sgt..pastu da xde..abes basah kuyup(xla kuyup sgt coz my jacket kalis air)...hopefully sume org x demam...
then went to the chinese shop..2 by msian raw food..for example,
tadaaaaaaa...ade maggi,sardin,milo,kacang tanah(konon2 nk wat kuah kcg)...n that puding jelly,we bekaja Z as a reward blanje us makan!!hehe..xdela..saje je nk kasi Z...dlm plastik tu ade buah mangga mude..huhu..selonok..da lame x mkn..nmpak je trs amik 3bijik...hehe...
pastu,sbb da sjuk sgt2 and hujan pn sgt lebat,we decided to stop jln2,n minom kopi!!!!huh..besh..at first,pgi starbuck..but it was very full,pack n xmuat dah..haha..hujan kan..so sume org pn nk dok dlm cofee ouse jla..so jln2 cr kdai kopi laen..then msk 1 shop ni.xengat name kdai die ape..3 of us minum hot choc(GBP1.99)..share jek..hot choc yg sgt hot tu,xrse ape da sbb sgt sjk..sdp je minum..tgn kbas,pgang glass yg pns tu,xrse ape..Z minom latte coffee(GBP1.4)...lepaking,borak2 smpaila kul 4...Z menceritakan pengalamn duka dan lara die besama tuuttttt....hehe...jus kiddg...jgn mara Z...
then grak ke train station blk..tpt bus drop td....b4 that br teringat to buy something from newcatle...igt nk bli bola...sbb newcastle cm femes ngn bola jek...
tp x jd...hehe..gurau je..then msk kdai ni ha..newcastle united...
i bought 1 shot glass ade tlis newcastle kt ctu..amik brg plg murah actually..hehe..jadila..as a mark,yg ak da smpai kt newcastle ni..
pastu grakla ke tren station...mm dr pg smpai mlm Z bsame kitorg..nway,TQ very much...lenkali dtgla york plak..jgn lupe bwk buah tgn ayam skali...hehehe....
then blk ke york..dlm kul 7.30pm smpaila...mm tu je kot cte psl our journey dis time...simple je..coz very short time..n then ujan plak tu,n xde ape sgt pn nk dilawati n nk dibuat..n ongkos shortage juge..hehehe..so xboleh soping!!..pas ni nk gi mane lak ek???mm xleh pk dlu..kne tggu elaun mask dlu...hehe..okeh,da ngantok sgt.da pnat..da 12.30am...nk tdo..daaaaaa
ekeke!! ko cite la pape pn best x best ak bc jgk!!muahahah!! pucat gle muke ko mai! msti sejuk gle..ak takat tgk wyg pn sejuk tketar2..ni plak 2-4degree tuh! hehe..bestnye dpt jln2..korg betiga mlekat jela ek! cian korg..jgn gado2 ekk..muahahaah!
melekat telekat lekat..kehkehkeh
hahaha.. lawak r ko nih..jmpa ari 2 nmpak cam pendiam..xsangka ko nih klakar abnarnya,,hehehe...lawak2...cter ko mmg besh..org suka sgt baca cter ko..huhu
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