Boxing Day is the day after Christmas, a public holiday in most countries in The Commonwealth. It originated as a day for giving gifts to employees and poor people. It has sporting traditions, especially fox hunting, and is the day when stores launch the most significant sales period in the retail cycle.
It is usually celebrated on 26 December, the day after Christmas Day, but can move to 27 December or 28 December if 26 December is a Saturday or Sunday. The movement of Boxing Day varies between countries.
The public holiday is recognised in the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, as well as many other members of the Commonwealth of Nations.
mm..time boxing day ni xde transpot la plk..aiyo..potong stim btolla...xkan kene jalan kaki? 1 hour walking..aiyo..pnat tuh..huhu..but cant miss the chance the oppotunity to see n experience boxing day..sambil2 tuh boleh cuci2 mate n cuci2 on 26th tu woke up at 8 and masak nasik lemak..sice we decide to go there by foot so need to do 'preparation'..
so msk dlu pg2 n makan!!eat 4 walk 4 about 1 hour..then smpai ct centre..but.......found out most of the shop still close n will open 5a.m on 27 dec...damn..sape nk dtg pg2 bute?mm so just go to mane2 kdai yg bkak jer...mse msk 1 shop tu,suddenly bunyi alarm kuat gle..sume org pandang..cuak not a thief..hello...i just want to buy n have a look je..knape alarm ni bunyi plk..patu cashier tu da bsg2...ckp ape tah ak xphm..dala xbape dnga..ckp shongshengshongsheng je...slang apetah die ckp..xphm then ade sorg staff dtg check..xde pape pn..mmgla xde pape..xkan ak bwk bom kot!!huhu..
then tgk2 brg..ade gk yg murah..clearence 2007 punye..ade gk yg i bought tshirt GBP1...murah kan?tp tshirt bodo je..sbb nk pkai kt blk..dtg bwk 2 lai je short sleeve nk pki kt blk..pkai yg tu,bsh yg need to buy 1 mse nk kua tu ak cm da fobia...last2 bunyi gk...kuaja btol!!ak x curik!!ak beli!! dala bunyi kuat gle....huish..tensen!!mm check2 rpenye yg bunyi dvd dlm beg ak..b4 tu ak ade bli dvd kosong..nk burn die detect mende tu rpenye..
then jln2 jmpe kak syafa(docto keje kt york)..then pastu die ajak gi designer outlet(shopping complex)..die kt fulford...jao gkla dr ct centre...since kwn die nk anta,ikt jla..shoping2 kt ctu..ak bli bj2 kt mark n spencer..spent there quite alot la..klo transfer RM la..males nk cite msk kdai ape..sbb byk sgt..fred perry pn ade..(kdai kasot amir suke)..kt clark pnoh plk msian..mane dtg actuly kt outlet tu ttbe asek jmpe msian je..planet mane tah dorg dtg..xknal pon..ade yg senyum..ade gk yg rse nye mostly sume yg jmpe,mst ak yg senyum dlu.. :) .dorg ni dtg dr mane2 tpt tah..kt york gk dorg shoping...huhu~bangge plak...
ttbe2 kak syafa call,die ngn kwn die da blk..aiyo...nk blk nek ape ni?xkan nk jln kaki?jaoh kot..dala da pnat jenjalan tawaf outlet dipendekkan cite,ttbe nsb kitorg baek jmpe taxi kt tu nk amik passenger die yg da rezeki kitorgla..lga...smpai gk aritu 1 gmba pn ak x amik..huhu...xtau males...
the next day,kua lg..sbb cm xpuas ati kdai byk x bole thn gkla..rmai gle org..ak msk mark n spencer lg..sbb mse kt mark n spenser kt outlet crik bju kt abah xjmpe sbb xde size abah...yg aku bekenan sume xde size abah...tensen je..mentang2 ak bli yg clearence..size XL...cptla abes sbb mat saleh kn klo kt clearence tu size M ngn S besepahla...then dpt la bju abah..actually cm x puas ti cm nyesal plk klo x bli sbb mse boxing day ni jla ade sale cmtu bju abah tu hrge asal GBP30..tggal GBP9...aiyo...fenin2..last2 bli gk...huhu.

~rmai org~

mm adela lg mende len ak bli...malesh plk nk cite sume..nnt korg bosan..plk...haha...ok la..tu je kot.for boxing this yer..pasni 2 bulan xleh shoping...puasa shoping..duwet da sikiiiiiit je...blela kpm nk msk duit ni...duit blanje for last 3 months smpai skrg xdpt lg...adoi...sakit mati ak klo cik sharifah bce blog actually dorg da kasi duit in advance 4 3 months banje kt da gne bya accomodation...tu pasalla da xde duit...then ade msk duit duit tula nk bli buku...duit tula nk xpe2..ape2 pn sy msh besyukur sbb kt msia tu rami je lg stdnt2 msia yg ssh..duit pinjaman pn xckp..ak ni kire ok lgla...ckp mknla...da gmok siap..telebih mknla kot..~huhu

lama x cuti cristmas???suka nya dye g shopping..huhu..kta nak teddy bear nitemare tau!!huk3..
kan ke ada bas dari designer outlet to York city center...ingat2 lupa la stop lam city tuh..kat depan York Dungeon rasanya (DULU LAAA)
malaysia pegi shopping kat designer outlet tu..keje kita org la dulu war2kan bahawa semasa sale.. branded item amatlah murah disitu...eheheheh
ada boxing day bas x jln..cuti..
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