new terms begin
sekarang ni ak da kena pilih subjek utk next year
we have to take 8 modules
and 2 of them can be any elective subjects
so i am thinking of taking any modules in education department
their modules look so interesting
some of the module which attract me are
-how children learn maths
-how to deal with problem pupils
-education for a better world
and banyak lagi
unfortunately my application ditolak sbb those course only available on summer next the time summer ak da busy dgn project n dah nk grad pon...
waa...kuciwa...baru nk kurangkn subject maths 2 modules...
mm nampaknya kena amik 8 modules from maths departm jgkla...
Sayonara....Adios Amigos.....
8 years ago
bila grad mai?
apa2 pon..
gud luck ya?
kiranye uols ni mmg math semath mathnye kan..ahaks!
takpe...usaha tangga kejayaan!(cliche tp mmg betul pun!)
wahaha..lame lg la nk da kena pilih2 subjek...
rugi la pulak tak dapat ambik module education tu... nampak sungguh interesting.
be a nice teacher ok :D
hahahhaa... tidak modules how
children learn maths tuh bes mam... n how to deal with prob pupils...
psiko punye field tuh... i luv
it!!! :D
rugi...da x blh amik...sedih...huhu
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