rumah baru lagi.....
yong request...nk tgk sgt ...hehe
we got PS3 n flat screen both arni punye...our new housemates....
yg kt bwh dinding tu konon2 heater pkai x guna pn...pkai heater biase ja..tu kire hiasan jla...da mmg ade pn..
stairs to my room....atas ada 3 rooms and 1 bathroom....bwh ade blik nana ,dapor n living room
the kitchen after masak...
toilet door

hehe..tu saje dlu...nk tgk gmbo blik ke?
yong request...nk tgk sgt ...hehe
we got PS3 n flat screen both arni punye...our new housemates....
stairs to my room....atas ada 3 rooms and 1 bathroom....bwh ade blik nana ,dapor n living room
hehe..tu saje dlu...nk tgk gmbo blik ke?
rumah takde shower ek..
selamat sejuk beku mandi kat bath tab
gelak evil
sebab saya tak payah melalui kesejuk bekuan tu lagi..nyeh nyeh ;)
ish!ade shower la..klo xde shower mmg mnd 2hari skali ade shower bahagia sketla...hehe...
sib baik..
kalo tak pakat lawan sapa paling lama tak mandi... kuang kuang kuang.
btw.. nice house!
cantek umah..
mana bilik yg baru lak..
satu umah bper org???
sorang sebilik ya?
serumah 4 org...sebilik sorang
eh..brape dah current rate sewa rumah kat sana? rumah yg ni brape per week?
60pound per week
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