hasil shopingan lite2....skg ni kn da start winter sale...new mark n spencer bedsheet...single fitted bedshet..GBP6 saje...
then new ZARA legging....GBP8 kot...kaen die bes...90%cotton....since hari2 pkai so bli yg bekualiti ya adik2.....hiks....topshop punye yg plg bes...bak kata nana..since dia beli try sume....tp mhl sketla....sape2 nk survey,this is the price list
topshop GBP12 plk comfy
ZARA GBP8 bes gk.....updated:jgn bli ini klo nk pkai kt tpt sjuk cm england..kaen dia comfy sgt.so kaki akn rasa sejuk je..klo kt msia sesuai la kot..pns kn..so sejuk sket...yg topshop the best kot...comfy n makes warm jgk..
HnM GBP6 ok jgk...lbh kurg zara tp nipis sket
newlook GBP7 kot..xigt...lupe da kaen die cmne...
primark GBP3 phm2 ajela.....
legging ni bkn tuk pki kt lua...4 me la..pkai kt dlm jeans...sbb sejuk!nk pkai kt lua pn bole...suke ati ko la...tu pon kna tnye ke?hiks.....

pastu round2 kt BHS nk usha bedsheet...tp mhl la plk...GBP10...pastu tenampk duvet cover offer...da tggal sket2 je lg....still stock yg ak bli dlu...dlu mse mule2 smpi pn ak blu kt BHS jgk....double duvet cover yg ak punye tu after offer GBP20 kot...tp ni hrga lg trn...
actually kt depan die ade price sticker reduced ke 15...hrga asal 40+...tp kt belakang dia ada sticker reduced 10...ak rsa sticker yg 10 tu mcm silap...org yg letak or terlekat dr packaging laen...tp ak bia jela...mse bya dia print,system dia bca duvet cover tu GBP15....tp ak saje je tnye try nasib...ak ckpla..."knape kt blkg tu hrga 10pound?" ofkos la i ckp omputih..hehe....pastu dia pggil manager die...trs tuka hrga 10...mebe sbb customer service kot...ak xmrh ke ape pn..ak tnye je....so ak sgt bahagiala......BHS double duvet cover only GBP 10?pergh....10 thn lepas pn blm tntu dpt hrga ni tau....hehe....10pound tu sbenanya hrga tuk single duvet cover...tp da rezeki ak....ak redho saje.....hehe.....

saje je nk mengumpul mende ni...suke....nnt kt msia blh gune...tp kt mesia pggil quilt kot...sng pkai ni...klo pkai comforter susa basoh..klo pkai ni sng. tuka2 sarung dia....bsh on sng...lgpon kt IKEA msia da ade jual duvet die...or quilt..klo sesapa xtau quilt tu cm selimut tebal la...cm comforter tu....tp leh tuka2 sarung....sarung dia la dipanggil duvet cover....klo beli set dia bg 2 pillowcase sekali....
ha ni from wiki
A duvet (pronounced /duːˈveɪ/, from the French duvet "down", IPA: [dyˈvɛ]) (or continental quilt or doona) is a type of bedding — a soft flat bag traditionally filled with down or feathers, or a combination of both and used on a bed as a blanket. Duvets originated in rural Europe and were made from the down feathers of the Eider duck, known for its usefulness as an insulator.
klo tgk katil ak single...tp knape nk bli duvet cover double?sbbnye ak bli duvet double...besa sket....bru bhagia tdo...konon2la...then bes sbb leh ttp katil smpi bwh....tgkla gmbo kt bwh ni...my current duvet cover....tu bkan cadar tau...cadar da kna cover....xnmpk....

ni yg da bli msa mula2 smpi...i like tau!plum kaler....
sape2 yg tau kt mne lg duvet cover ni yg bes2 sila bgtau sy ye
then new ZARA legging....GBP8 kot...kaen die bes...90%cotton....since hari2 pkai so bli yg bekualiti ya adik2.....hiks....topshop punye yg plg bes...bak kata nana..since dia beli try sume....tp mhl sketla....sape2 nk survey,this is the price list
topshop GBP12 plk comfy
ZARA GBP8 bes gk.....updated:jgn bli ini klo nk pkai kt tpt sjuk cm england..kaen dia comfy sgt.so kaki akn rasa sejuk je..klo kt msia sesuai la kot..pns kn..so sejuk sket...yg topshop the best kot...comfy n makes warm jgk..
HnM GBP6 ok jgk...lbh kurg zara tp nipis sket
newlook GBP7 kot..xigt...lupe da kaen die cmne...
primark GBP3 phm2 ajela.....
legging ni bkn tuk pki kt lua...4 me la..pkai kt dlm jeans...sbb sejuk!nk pkai kt lua pn bole...suke ati ko la...tu pon kna tnye ke?hiks.....
pastu round2 kt BHS nk usha bedsheet...tp mhl la plk...GBP10...pastu tenampk duvet cover offer...da tggal sket2 je lg....still stock yg ak bli dlu...dlu mse mule2 smpi pn ak blu kt BHS jgk....double duvet cover yg ak punye tu after offer GBP20 kot...tp ni hrga lg trn...
actually kt depan die ade price sticker reduced ke 15...hrga asal 40+...tp kt belakang dia ada sticker reduced 10...ak rsa sticker yg 10 tu mcm silap...org yg letak or terlekat dr packaging laen...tp ak bia jela...mse bya dia print,system dia bca duvet cover tu GBP15....tp ak saje je tnye try nasib...ak ckpla..."knape kt blkg tu hrga 10pound?" ofkos la i ckp omputih..hehe....pastu dia pggil manager die...trs tuka hrga 10...mebe sbb customer service kot...ak xmrh ke ape pn..ak tnye je....so ak sgt bahagiala......BHS double duvet cover only GBP 10?pergh....10 thn lepas pn blm tntu dpt hrga ni tau....hehe....10pound tu sbenanya hrga tuk single duvet cover...tp da rezeki ak....ak redho saje.....hehe.....
saje je nk mengumpul mende ni...suke....nnt kt msia blh gune...tp kt mesia pggil quilt kot...sng pkai ni...klo pkai comforter susa basoh..klo pkai ni sng. tuka2 sarung dia....bsh on sng...lgpon kt IKEA msia da ade jual duvet die...or quilt..klo sesapa xtau quilt tu cm selimut tebal la...cm comforter tu....tp leh tuka2 sarung....sarung dia la dipanggil duvet cover....klo beli set dia bg 2 pillowcase sekali....
ha ni from wiki
A duvet (pronounced /duːˈveɪ/, from the French duvet "down", IPA: [dyˈvɛ]) (or continental quilt or doona) is a type of bedding — a soft flat bag traditionally filled with down or feathers, or a combination of both and used on a bed as a blanket. Duvets originated in rural Europe and were made from the down feathers of the Eider duck, known for its usefulness as an insulator.
klo tgk katil ak single...tp knape nk bli duvet cover double?sbbnye ak bli duvet double...besa sket....bru bhagia tdo...konon2la...then bes sbb leh ttp katil smpi bwh....tgkla gmbo kt bwh ni...my current duvet cover....tu bkan cadar tau...cadar da kna cover....xnmpk....
ni yg da bli msa mula2 smpi...i like tau!plum kaler....
sape2 yg tau kt mne lg duvet cover ni yg bes2 sila bgtau sy ye
1 comment:
ske la cdr 2...kiut!!da la poLka d0t..huhuh...
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