on the 21 - 24 august me and my family went for a short holiday to yogyakarta with one of our relative's family... actually i was so excited to story and narrate everything that i got from there..
unfortunately,due to the laziness of me,everything was delayed...now the enthusiasm gone...sorry!hehe...so just enjoy the picture k...

the whole group of trip at the keraton(palace)
yong together with her 'boroi' friend
everyone listen to the guide
salasilah sultan

the parents (my mama abah and toklong )
the whole group + one new zealand guy who suddenly menyibuk nk join jgk..hiks
me with kak long and kak ngah(both madam already :p)
me and my eldest sister

rest at the stare (tiring of hearing story)
at batik shop : me and ajai (suppose to b my uncle aka toklong's son)
candi apetah...lupe suda

masa untuk melentik sbb mls nk dnga cerita...hiks

3 girls of haji manas

the whole group again before 'hiking' to candi borobodur
a happy family
lovely couple
my siblings
naughty aiman
lawan perot

kak long and her husband (mother and father to be)

raja kapoor

da penat...abes...this is the whole saturday...
unfortunately,due to the laziness of me,everything was delayed...now the enthusiasm gone...sorry!hehe...so just enjoy the picture k...
its good to know about it? where did you get that information?
very awsome.
thats amazing story.
very nice! hahahahaha
very cool.
im here because of few cents for you. just dropping by.
when will you go online?
to best ever rate : why?is there anything i can help u?
these few months i do online once in a while..but starting mid oct and forward i do online frequent(almost a day) as i will be back to my college...
wah! mai pun pegi jogja ke. 400 is so god damn cheap! i went there last july and it cost me 700.
banyak shoping baju ke?
that candi is called candi borobudur. tak kena kejar dengan mas2 jual sourvenir???
hiks..ade kena keja...dala dia keja mai sorang je..muke baek kot..ahax..jnoh nk tepis..tp cm ksian sbb dia mengandung..ikt dr atas borobudur smpi kt bas..jao gle die ikot...las2 bli jgk..apela..hehe...
shopping baju x byk pn sbb sume batik..cm x bes..hehe...bli baju2 tido je...
kak waah byk shoping?tgk gaambo nek beca sakan ye..hehe..
cam manja gila kat jogja..nak pegi mana2 je nak naik beca. wakakakakak. pehtu jenis kedekut plak tu masa awal2..penat org tu kayuh kita gi mintak discount lagi. lepas skali mintak discount tak mintak dah la. bagi lebih ada la. sedar diri sket yg kita ni berat. wakakakak
shopping? huih.. kat malioboro tu ada 2 butik batik silk. cam org gila shoping baju raya. wakakaka. tapi tak beli silk pon beli yg polyester je senang sket nak jaga.
uwaaaa gambo nmpk perut le angah..
tidakkkkk hehehhe, k'long smpi skang dok perasan cover2 ala2 erra fazira gitu
best2 nanti bley g lagi!
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