continue : saturday visit
i wish that i could story u the history of the place that ive visited.. but im sure that most of u not really interested to read about that rite? just an excuse for me...hohoho...
but here i want to share with all of u that yogyakarta culture is quite unique for me..some of them is good to follow but some of them are nonsense...kurafat and ngarut2 aje..
they do have really good relationship with each other because they do respect people very much...this culture seems so different with other part in indonesia..since i have been visited to a few cities of indonesia,so i can say that yogyakarta is the most peace city in indonesia...not much traffic jam and vehicle horn
one other fact is yogyakarta is control by his sultan..not by the indonesia goverment..sultan will support all the fund needed...the sultan is very rich and has a good relationship with sultan Brunei....bykla cite2 psl sultan ni..4 hari 4 malam pn x abes....
all the informations above told by our tour guide la...klo dia tipu ak,ak tipu the way we've got a very informative and interesting guide this time..the way he told the story was very good..wont make us boring...except sometimes me borink jgkla sket2...sbb byk cite psl history....hiks..last2 surrender jgk ngn kak long n kak ngah borak2 kt blkg...luckily we got a very good selamatla x pyh dnga sgt...a big clap to yong and the elder (hehehe) but ape2 pn 5star to Mr Happy...the best tour guide (as according to my parentsla...since they have been travelling to many parts of the world kan)
ni candi prambanan kot...dibina semula stlh runtuh sbb gempa bumi..

fell down due to earthquake

abg pa yg perasan
yong yg cuba nk candid gmba abg pa n nk tnjk muke x hensem die kt aweks2 dia...konon2 skandal..hiks...sori saje je nk kasi kamu glamer sket...hiks

pastu pgi tpt2 buat hantaran..untk sape tah..padehal xde org nk kawen lg pn...survey2 je ok....
pastu shoping time!!! as usual malio boro,umah moda(the factory outlet) and ape lg tah...shopping2 x hamek gambo...busy! .... hiks...
by the way my trip there was with pusaka travel (the indonesian travel agent) the service was good..we stay at Duta Guest House...the hotel was good as well...small but convenience...the price for the whole trip was very very cheap...RM 400+ each for 4 days and 3 nights trip..(meal,transport,guide and transport included) anyway we got that deals because we met the chairman of tourism or Yogyakarta and the owner of Duta Guest House at Penang during Matta fair..we discussed and got that price...very cheap because the ticket for all those candi included..
hope u enjoy the story!
ok...i ll stop here...take care
i wish that i could story u the history of the place that ive visited.. but im sure that most of u not really interested to read about that rite? just an excuse for me...hohoho...
but here i want to share with all of u that yogyakarta culture is quite unique for me..some of them is good to follow but some of them are nonsense...kurafat and ngarut2 aje..
they do have really good relationship with each other because they do respect people very much...this culture seems so different with other part in indonesia..since i have been visited to a few cities of indonesia,so i can say that yogyakarta is the most peace city in indonesia...not much traffic jam and vehicle horn
one other fact is yogyakarta is control by his sultan..not by the indonesia goverment..sultan will support all the fund needed...the sultan is very rich and has a good relationship with sultan Brunei....bykla cite2 psl sultan ni..4 hari 4 malam pn x abes....
all the informations above told by our tour guide la...klo dia tipu ak,ak tipu the way we've got a very informative and interesting guide this time..the way he told the story was very good..wont make us boring...except sometimes me borink jgkla sket2...sbb byk cite psl history....hiks..last2 surrender jgk ngn kak long n kak ngah borak2 kt blkg...luckily we got a very good selamatla x pyh dnga sgt...a big clap to yong and the elder (hehehe) but ape2 pn 5star to Mr Happy...the best tour guide (as according to my parentsla...since they have been travelling to many parts of the world kan)
pastu shoping time!!! as usual malio boro,umah moda(the factory outlet) and ape lg tah...shopping2 x hamek gambo...busy! .... hiks...
by the way my trip there was with pusaka travel (the indonesian travel agent) the service was good..we stay at Duta Guest House...the hotel was good as well...small but convenience...the price for the whole trip was very very cheap...RM 400+ each for 4 days and 3 nights trip..(meal,transport,guide and transport included) anyway we got that deals because we met the chairman of tourism or Yogyakarta and the owner of Duta Guest House at Penang during Matta fair..we discussed and got that price...very cheap because the ticket for all those candi included..
hope u enjoy the story!
ok...i ll stop here...take care
im here because of few cents for you. just dropping by.
ok. I found an information here that i want to look for.
hey?it is great to be
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