gambar yang dicuri untuk hiasan
ok.ni planner selepas habis exam.
main thing
2)last shoppping
3) check on the bills etc
group planner
1)BBQ with our dearest kakak's family.(oh i'm going to miss them.espc the kids. surely)
2)makan2 with the juniors.(going to miss them too.ada hutang kek choc and behung)
3)visit a few close kakak(a few is not so many here.hehe)
4)kelas memasak dgn abg jess.daging filipino recipe.hrp dia igt lagi.
5)kelas mewarna dengan kak ayu
6)cheese cake class with our landlady embak nany
7)tea outing or just makan2 with final year gang
8) tak ingat dah.
my birthday is coming soon. i want to make a wishlist here.
1)BMW 1series.
2)mini cooper
3)polo volkswagen
4)new canggih camera
5)new laptop
Oh. I know all of the above is just merepeking. Now i realise. penat pikir nak buat wish list apa. as for now i dont need anything. What i need is just my loves family, bf and money..hahahahaha....sebab belum pikir nak hadiah apa.so i want money. I can buy later...hahahahahha...
ok.dah.melampau gelak.tapi part2 shahdu tu i ikhlas k. dont want to elaborate much. daaaa