fiesta is over!we had our international weeks last week!
malaysian york menang besar jgkla!
3rd place for cultural performance(first time masuk)
2nd place for food competition
2nd place for stall decoration
yg first place semua kazakhstan sapu..except fot cultural performance japan no 1 and kazakhstan no 2
we really had so much fun!n it was so tiring!
but im proud to bring Malaysia to the world..
at least people in Britain know that Malaysia exist!!
i have so much i da mls la lately ni..just enjoy da picture

Pn azimah dari malaysian student department

pastu hari sbtu masak2 kt rumah kak ayu...terima kasih byk2 kak ayu...kitrg always pray the best for u and family!promise!

menu banyak,,tp antaranya buah melaka,popia basah,goreng pisang,rendang ayam.ayam msk merah..banyak lagi...semua sdp!gotong royong masak!bes!

most of picture taken from facebook..
owned by magidi and to them
wahh!! mai nari!!
malaysia mmg besh pon,
mai makeup lawa mai, klu ngedate ngn amer, mai pakai lah makeup, kompom amer xcari len..
giler ah mai...dr netballers ke menari...hebatnya...hehe
to tiqah: wahaha..menari pn cm kayu..hentam je...hehe
to saza: cm pelik je make up maknyah..hoho..xpon cm clown...
(da tanya amer..dia kata biasa je..sobsobsob..)
job well done!
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