salam and hi...we proceed kt paris lg...
Picture above is Arc de Triomphe which is a monument in paris. This monument stands in the centre of the Place Charles de Gaulle. The arch honours those who fought for France, particularly during the napoleon war. On the inside and the top of the arc there are all of the names of generals and wars fought. Underneath there is the tomb of the unknown soldier
ni plk The Place de la is one of the major squares in Paris.patung2 kt sini sume x malu..sume sexy2..xpki baju... xcaye enlarge kan gmba...opss...for girls only k...lelaki2 xdibenarkan...huhu...

mm..tpt ni ladies2 mst klo duit tebal la..xtbal cuci mate jela...kt paris ni beg LV ni "murah"..murah cmne tu?10hengget?haha...contohnya..klo bli tpt len dlm klo bli kt sini dptla 1550euro ke...hmm..murah ker??huhu...pastu sorg blh bli 1 je..kna tnjk paspot klo nk klo nk xmmpu nk bli,tp nk buat duit,pgila belegar2 kt dpn kdai tu.nnt adela toke2 cine kaye suro kite blikan.sbb dorg blh bli 1 je..die bgla upah skit...btw ak xbuat pn..xde mase pn...

ni bas ade snggah kejap amik gmba dr xbes sbb gmbo xbpe cntekla..

can u spot malaysia there?mm saje je...
isshh...sapela boh gmba ni kt sni...huhu.
mm pastu kitorg pgi muzium perfume..die ade tnjk care wt xleh amik gmba dlm tu...kt bwh tu ade jual mahal nk mampos..bek xyah rmai je sekali skala bli perfume dr ak xbli pn...10ml about 10euro kot..xigt da...mhl btw kitorg dpt info yg kebanyakan perfume yg femes2 tu buat kt paris len bli dr paris then bubuh label dorg...
ni la kt bwh muzium tu..b4 msk...ade dak kecik mse trip ak pgi ni...

ni kt muzium plg besa didunia...xsilap ade potret monalisa dlm tu..xmsk pn...
pastu trs ke eiffel tower...k kita tgk skit ape penerangn ttg eiffel tower ni naek je..ntah ape disebalik tower ni pn xtau....yg org tau tower ni lambang cinta...hmm...yeke...
mm..eiffel tower ni diambil dr nama engineer Gustav eiffel.. semua org dtg paris ni mst nk dtg sni kn...making it the most visited paid monument in the world.the structure is 325metre.
The first and second levels are accessible by stairways and lifts. kaunter tiket kt south tower base ade jual tiket to access the stairs which begin at that location.
At the first platform the stairs continue up from the east tower
and the third level summit is only accessible by lift.
klo da smpi kt level one and two tu,kita blh nk truskan naek smpi top.kt ats pn ade jual tiket..nk nek tgga pn boleh..lift pn kena beratorla...kitorg memula nek smpi send level je..tu pn da ckp perasaan kiasu xmembenarkan kitorg benti kt situ...even mse tu hujan.mendung.windy n sgt sejuk kitorg nekad nk nek spi ats brator lg bli tiket n naek smpi ats sekali.....

rasanya ni dr second level...susunan bangunan die xdela jelas sgt... dr ats sekali..ble dr ats tgk bandar paris mmg sgt pie je tgk...ade bntuk2..sayup2 yg plik xtau nape dis time ak xgayat.selalunye gayat je...
see..cantekkan..klo ade sunshine lg cm mendung2 skit....
tgkla org beratur nk trn...nk naek pn kna berator..nk trn pn kena berator...nek lift je..xmpu nek tgga...lgpon sejuk sgt mse tu....

ni mse da nk senja..cantekla skit pemandangan kn....

ok...pas nek eiffel tower tu kitorg pgi bli2 souvenir n mkn...pastu belari2 semula nk kja mse nk nek kt amsterdam dlu kt amsterdam tu time xmngecewakan...scenery yg belainan...cantek...lgpon da dkt mlm mse nasib malang bateri camera semua da flat..jimat2 tu amik gmba eiffel tower ble da totally gelap nntla..ats bot xamik sgt....

ats botla sume ni...kene bayo ye...

tada.....da mlm...cantekkn...
yorkies+cardiff girls..

since bat pn da flat gambo pn xbykla..tu aje cerita di kota cinta la konon2 paris ni bolela....xde maknenye....haha....mse pgi je excited..skg ni da xrse pape da....len cm pgi mekah..mse blk terasee cm nk pgiiii je lg....hmm...ok la...tu aje..besmbg kt my most favourite place....switzerland!!!!!daa...
ade lg nk gtau
The shape of the tower determined by mathematical calculation involving wind resistance. Several theories of this mathematical calculation have been proposed over the years, the most recent is a nonlinear integral differential equation based on counterbalancing the wind pressure on any point on the tower with the tension between the construction elements at that point. That shape is exponential. A careful plot of the tower curvature however, reveals two different exponentials, the lower section having a stronger resistance to wind forces..
mm hebat jgk mathematics ni ye..hoke..tu aje..daa..
mm pastu kitorg pgi muzium perfume..die ade tnjk care wt xleh amik gmba dlm tu...kt bwh tu ade jual mahal nk mampos..bek xyah rmai je sekali skala bli perfume dr ak xbli pn...10ml about 10euro kot..xigt da...mhl btw kitorg dpt info yg kebanyakan perfume yg femes2 tu buat kt paris len bli dr paris then bubuh label dorg...
mm..eiffel tower ni diambil dr nama engineer Gustav eiffel.. semua org dtg paris ni mst nk dtg sni kn...making it the most visited paid monument in the world.the structure is 325metre.
The first and second levels are accessible by stairways and lifts. kaunter tiket kt south tower base ade jual tiket to access the stairs which begin at that location.
At the first platform the stairs continue up from the east tower
and the third level summit is only accessible by lift.
klo da smpi kt level one and two tu,kita blh nk truskan naek smpi top.kt ats pn ade jual tiket..nk nek tgga pn boleh..lift pn kena beratorla...kitorg memula nek smpi send level je..tu pn da ckp perasaan kiasu xmembenarkan kitorg benti kt situ...even mse tu hujan.mendung.windy n sgt sejuk kitorg nekad nk nek spi ats brator lg bli tiket n naek smpi ats sekali.....
ade lg nk gtau
The shape of the tower determined by mathematical calculation involving wind resistance. Several theories of this mathematical calculation have been proposed over the years, the most recent is a nonlinear integral differential equation based on counterbalancing the wind pressure on any point on the tower with the tension between the construction elements at that point. That shape is exponential. A careful plot of the tower curvature however, reveals two different exponentials, the lower section having a stronger resistance to wind forces..
mm hebat jgk mathematics ni ye..hoke..tu aje..daa..
mai bestnya gi paris...nk gi gak...
aloh.. dah smpai paris ni.. jeles2.. teringat cter devils wear prada.. hurmm.. menarik tak orang2 kat sane mai?
esh, mai ni.. bukan ke ko amik ilmu hisab sbb the power of ilmu hisab tu sndirik.. hehe..
mai, tau tak ape rahsia kekurusan yam? cmne tu?tatau nk ckp.but i like the languange...sounds beautiful...menarik...sedap je dnga dorg ckp...
hm rahsia kekurusan yam??mkn lemba!! dia mmg kurus....
owg pon pernah dgr owg dowang bercakap..mcm xder idong..hahahaha..
penyek jer bny..huhU~
teringin nak g lah tmpat yg owg idam2 kan slama nih..romantik wooo amek gmbar ngan wan..keh3~ ko patut ajak amir p..huhU~
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